Home Environment


Chalair Aviation, a member of the F.N.A.M. (Fédération National de l'Aviation Marchande)
and the C.S.T.A. (Chambre Syndicale du Transport Aérien), applies the commitments made in the environmental charter,
, following the "Grenelle 1" initiative and signed on January 28, 2008.

The charter includes clear commitments to reduce noise and pollutant emissions, as well as to modify
flight paths and routes, and modernize aircraft and airport equipment.

This charter was the first to be signed by the French government and an industry body, affirming the responsible, civic-minded nature of our industry.

To date, the company mainly uses turbo-prop engines running on kerosene (JetA1).

This modern type of propulsion is particularly virtuous in terms of fuel consumption and therefore CO2 production.

CHALAIR AVIATION can connect you to the D.G.A.C. (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile) calculation system.

This calculator sets a standard for jet aircraft and will therefore overestimate CO2 production.

Founded in 1990, FNAM is the leading professional organization in the airline industry. Through eight professional groups,
it federates nine professions and represents over 370 companies. Serving companies in the air transport sector, it participates in the promotion
and development of commercial aviation, and provides information and representation of the collective interests of the profession
on economic, social, environmental, technical and regulatory issues).